Donate and Share Our Bars!

Donate and share African village-made chocolates. Make the holidays bright at home and for our friends in the African villages!

The African cocoa growing villages of Depa and Pezoan have learned and demonstrated success in producing high-quality chocolate products. No more middlemen siphoning off the profits. This is beyond Fair Trade. It's Full Trade(tm). The African villagers get the full value from the beans they grow to the bars they produce.

Donate to help spread the word about this wonderful opportunity for Africans to earn their way out of poverty through chocolate independence.

Enjoy bars and share the Project Hope and Fairness story with your family and friends at the holidays. Spreading the word about the African village-made chocolates will help more villagers earn their way out of poverty.

Here's how.

Donation opportunities: send your donation and receive chocolate bars and cards with the PH&F story to share:

$250 Ambassador Level: Chocolate bars, Chocolate Nibs, Cocoa powder and PH&F book by Tom Neuhaus
$100 donation: 25 Chocolate bars
$50 donation 4 Chocolate bars, Chocolate Nibs, Cocoa Powder

Click here to enter your donation. Tom will get back to you --->