Chocolate Machine

January 16th, 2016

This mélangeur was manufactured in South India by Santha, Inc., which shipped it via Mumbai, Johannesburg, Lagos and finally Abidjan.  It cost $3,500 to purchase and another $3,500 to deliver.  It makes 40 lbs of chocolate at a time.  The advantage of a mélangeur is low cost and simplicity of use.  First you add the cocoa butter, then sugar, and finally milk powder and finely ground cocoa nibs.  It takes about 24 hours to turn the mixture into a delicious chocolate.  David is currently making small chocolate disks which he wraps in foil and sells locally. 

PH&F just sent David $3,000 to purchase a "Broyeur" for grinding the beans into a paste, thereby shortening the time it takes to make chocolate.  We are hoping to raise more money so he can purchase a roaster and a winnower.

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